Company Introduction

GF International

Established in Hong Kong in December 2010, GF International Investment Management Limited ("GFIIM") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of GF Fund Management Co., Ltd.  With the unwavering support from its parent company and a team of experienced fund management professionals, GFIIM has successfully taken root in Hong Kong and has positioned itself to play a bridging role between China's vibrant capital markets and global investors. 
GFIIM is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission to carry out Type -1 (Dealing in Securities), Type-4 (Advising on Securities) and Type-9 (Asset Management) regulated activities in Hong Kong.  It is also approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission as a RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII), and a Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII).


GF Fund

GF Fund Management Co., Ltd. ("GF Fund") was established in Mainland China in 2003.  Since then, GF Fund has been growing rapidly in tandem with China's economy and has evolved into a premier fund management company.  As of 31 December 2015, GF Fund manages assets world-wide worth over USD 65 billion; ranking No.7 in Mainland China in terms of total AUM arising from public retail investment funds (as of 31 December 2015). 

Headquartered in Guangzhou and having establishments in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and London, the group has a wide range of qualifications and licenses awarded by relevant authorities, enabling it to provide a broad spectrum of investment management services catering to domestic markets and meeting the demand for cross-border investment management: 

  • Public Retail Investment Funds
  • Discretionary Accounts
  • Social Security Fund
  • Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII)
  • Qualified Investment Manager for Insurance Capital